Unlock Excellence For Your Child With Our Tutors!

AlGooru is your gateway to the elite 8%
tutors in Saudi Arabia!

Get matched with the perfect tutor for your child's goals and style.
Get tutor's feedbacks after every session.
Get a refund if you're unsatisfied with the service!
The first qualified private tutoring platform in Saudi
A Platform You Can Rely On!
We ensure a seamless and unparalleled quality experience for your child at every step.
The Best Tutor For Your Child!
Flexible Session Options!
Always in the Loop!
We Guarantee you an Outstanding Educational Experience
What if you don't like yours?
Tutor Replacement Guarantee
We ensure the prefect tutor for your child.
Money-Back Guarantee
If you're not satisfied with the quality of our services.
Our tutors have delivered 10,000+ sessions.
Our sessions achieved a 98% satisfaction rate.
Our tutors specialize in 20 core subjects.

What Sets AlGooru Apart?

Independent teachers
Other companies
Clear and fixed prices
Depends on the tutor
Depends on the tutor
Tutor Commitment
Tutor can leave any time
Tutor can leave any time
Speed and Quality of the Matching Process
Perfect match within 12 hours
Search through tens of websites for days
Random matching that can take days
Session Type
Online and offline
Mostly offline
Only online
Tutor Quality
High quality. We only accept 8% of applicants
Payment Method
Online with installment options
Cash or through transfer to unknown or dangerous accounts
Customer Support
7 days a week
Prepayment basic support
Monitoring Progress
Tutor feedbacks with every session
Refund Policy
Tutor Replacement
Don't take our word for it!
Here's what they had to say
Packages Tailored for Your Needs

If You Want to Know More

Take a look at answers to the FAQs about our services
What is AlGooru?
How do I subscribe to AlGooru?
How can I trust the quality of your tutors?
Do you have in-person sessions?
Which cities do you operate in?
When will you contact me after I submit the request?
Are online sessions as effective as in-person sessions?
What is the AlGooru Client App?